Rachel Sellers, M.Ed., MS, LPC-MHSP (she/her)

Senior Counselor

Phone: 404-281-7375
Office Location: Franklin

Full Session Fee: $150
On a waitlist.
Works with adolescent and adults.

There is nothing more challenging than to be struggling and to not know where to turn – or who to turn to – for help. It is such an honor to walk alongside people who are navigating pain and suffering and to offer presence, hope, and opportunities for healing.

I am a trauma-informed therapist who uses evidence-based practices such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), and parts-work (Internal Family Systems informed) to help clients meet their unique counseling goals. I am trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and utilize this modality for trauma recovery. As a former teacher, I am also passionate about psychoeducation and empowering clients with new information to grow in self-awareness and self-compassion. My approach is relational, individualized, and collaborative.

I work primarily with women with eating disorders/disordered eating, body image concerns, anxiety, OCD, and trauma. I approach these concerns holistically, focusing both on symptom reduction but also on root causes that might be maintaining or contributing to symptoms. In my work with eating disorders, I work from an Intuitive Eating, anti-diet, and weight-inclusive lens. I also enjoy working with Christian-identifying clients who want to incorporate spirituality into our sessions. I believe that we are not just psychological beings but spiritual ones as well, and I enjoy conversations about how to integrate faith and emotional health. I do not discriminate against those with different religious beliefs and love working with people from all walks of life and spiritual traditions. Conversations about spirituality are only addressed if specifically requested by the client.

If you want to learn more about me and the resources I have currently available, please check out www.rachelesellers.com.

When I’m not working as a therapist, you’re likely to catch me reading books with my daughter, brainstorming a new writing project, or making a loaf of sourdough bread.

To join Rachel’s waitlist, click here.